Do Audis Require Premium Gas?
Some cars require premium gas, while others do not. Premium gas can be critical in maintaining the health of a car engine, and Audis are no exception. Do Audis require premium gas?
Most Audis do not require premium gas and use regular gas. However, many Audis do require premium gas. The make and model of the car will determine which gas is required. Do not use regular gas in a car that requires premium gas, as regular gas can cause damage to the engine of a premium gas car.
Although most Audis don’t need premium gas, there are some models that do. Information about two Audi car models and the gas they require is below.
What Happens If I Put Regular Gas in My Audi?
Not every Audi needs premium gas, but a car designed to use premium gas can be damaged by using regular gas over time.
Regular gasoline has a lower octane content than premium gasoline. The amount of octane determines the stability of the fuel. Stable fuels don’t combust as easily. Lower octane levels increase the chance that the gas will ignite and combust too early, causing damage to the car called “knocking.”
“Knocking” damages the car’s engine. Using premium fuel helps prevent knocking and lengthens the life of your car’s engine.
Some Audis are designed to run on regular gas. Look in the owner’s manual for information about what type of gas your Audi needs. The manual will provide information on which gasoline is best for your make and model of Audi car. Your car’s gas type may also be written on a label near the gas tank located on or near the cap.
Using regular gas in a premium gas car won’t do immediate damage to the engine. In an emergency, a premium gas car can run on regular gas. However, repeatedly using regular gas will damage the engine.
When in doubt, use premium gas. Regular gas can hurt a premium gas car, but premium gas won’t hurt a regular gas car.
Premium gas also won’t help a regular gas car. Premium gas is more expensive but doesn’t offer any benefits to a regular gas car. On average, premium gas costs twenty to sixty cents more per gallon than regular gas. Using the appropriate gasoline for your make and model of the car saves you time and money in the long run.
Can Audi Use 87 Octane?

Audis designed to use regular gas can use 87 octane gas. Gasoline is graded by the octane levels. At the gas pump, there should be a few options for gasoline with different levels of octane.
87 octane gas is categorized as regular gas. Most regular gas in the United States has an 87 octane level. If your Audi takes regular gas, 87 octane is a great choice.
Gas with an octane content above 91 is considered premium. In the United States, most premium gasoline has a 93 octane level. Gas with octane levels below 91 should not be used in premium gas cars.
Octane levels between 87 and 91 in gasoline are often called “plus” or “midgrade.” The vast majority of cars do not use plus or midgrade gasoline.
Do I Need Premium Gas in the Audi Q7?
The Audi Q7 does require premium gas. The Audi Q7 can run on regular gas, but regular gas should only be used in emergencies. Gasoline with an octane content of 91 or higher is recommended.
After filling your Audi Q7 with regular gas, drive until the gas tank is almost completely empty, even if you aren’t comfortable doing so. Once it is nearly empty, fill it again with premium gas. Do not mix regular and premium types of gasoline.
What Kind of Gas Does an Audi A4 Take?
The Audi A4 requires premium gas. Like the Audi Q7, the Audi A4 can run on regular gas, but will be damaged if regular gas is often used. Follow the same guidelines for the Audi A4 as the Audi Q7.
It should be noted that most Audi cars do not require premium gas. Most Audis run well on regular gas. Premium gas is only required to reduce “knocking” and improve fuel efficiency. Even though “knocking” can be an issue with regular gas, most modern cars don’t have an issue with knocking. Most modern cars have sensors built into the engines to prevent knocking. Regular gas also has a relatively high octane content now. Knocking isn’t as much of a problem as it used to be.
Why Do Some Audis Need Premium Gas?

Some Audis need premium gas because the engine has direct injection technology. Direct injection technology mixes the gasoline and air in the combustion chamber of the engine. Only a certain amount of gasoline and air is injected, reducing waste. Doing this helps the engine use fuel more efficiently.
Direct injection requires gasoline to be injected into the engine at very high pressure. Regular gasoline has low octane levels, and gas with low octane levels can’t take as much pressure as gasoline with high octane levels.
Premium gas has high levels of octane that allow the gas to withstand large amounts of pressure. When gas can withstand lots of pressure, direct injection technology works well. The direct injection technology allows gasoline to be measured precisely and used efficiently.
Using gas precisely and efficiently saves the driver money. The car gets better gas mileage and has more power per gallon. Drivers save time when they don’t have to stop at the gas station to fill up their car as often.
The reduced combustion of gasoline also keeps the engine at a lower temperature. The engine stays cooler and is less likely to overheat. A cool engine is better for the car.
Keeping the engine at a stable, cool temperature with premium gas and direct injection technology creates cars that are better for the environment. Cars with direct injection technology tend to produce fewer emissions and use less fuel. Direct injection technology allows car manufacturers to build smaller engines. Smaller engines reduce the overall weight of the car, increasing fuel efficiency.
Overall, you can use regular gas in your Audi most of the time, but double-check by reading the owner’s manual before you next fill the tank with gas.