What is the Best Month to Buy a Truck? (Don’t leave money on the table)
Many people want to purchase a new truck, but they are expensive. No one wants to buy a truck for the full price when they know that at some point of the year the same truck will be on sale and can be bought at a much cheaper price. So, what is the best time of year to purchase a truck?
October, November, and December are the best months to purchase a truck because car dealerships are trying to get rid of stock to make room for next year’s stock, and new trucks are showing up in showrooms. December typically sees the most drastic sales, although there’s a limited supply.
Now that you know what the best times of the year are to purchase a new truck, you may be wondering what the worst times of year to purchase a truck are. Keep reading to have your questions answered.
The Best Time of Year to Buy a Truck
The best time of year to purchase a new truck is between October and December. During October, November, and December, there are many sales at car dealerships because they need to make room for next year’s car models, and they need to get rid of all of the vehicles that they currently have inside of the dealership.
August through September is also a great time to purchase a new truck because the year is starting to come to an end. During this time, car dealerships start thinking about all of the cars that they need to sell to make room for the new models that will start arriving around November and December.
Because of this, they start sales so you can purchase a truck at a significantly lower price as the year starts to come to a close.
May through September is also a great time to purchase a new truck because holidays start appearing. Because of those holidays, many car dealerships start having holiday sales during Labor Day, Memorial Day, Veterans Day, and the 4th of July. During these holidays, prices are lowered by massive amounts.

Black Friday is also a great day to purchase a new truck because car dealerships reduce the truck prices by a lot. They want to get rid of their inventory, and everyone is shopping and looking for a great deal on what they purchase, so they lower their prices. You can also get great deals on trucks when you purchase them after Black Friday. (Source)
If you purchase a truck at the end of the year in November or December, you will get a great deal because they not only have new inventory for the next year, but car dealerships need to meet a quota and beat the number of sales that they had last year because if they do so, everyone gets a large bonus.
This means that car salesmen will be willing to negotiate with you as long as you purchase the truck, and you will get a great deal.
However, keep in mind that if you go to a car dealership in November or December, they will likely have a limited stock of the current year’s cars, and won’t be getting any more.
This means that the number of trucks you will have to choose from will be somewhat limited, and you might not be able to find the specific model you have been trying to purchase for a while.
New Year’s Eve is also a great day to purchase a new truck because car dealerships are desperate to sell their inventory and beat last year’s sales.
However, keep in mind that the dealership will likely close early because it is a holiday, and people want to get home to their families before midnight.
Overall, you can get good deals on a new truck in:
- May
- June
- July
- August
- September
However, you can get even better deals on a new truck when you purchase it in:
- October
- November
- December
If you go to a car dealership on Monday or Wednesday, many car salesmen will be able to talk to you and negotiate prices because it is not very busy, and they want to make the sale. (Source)
Also, if you go to a car dealership at the end of a month, the car salesmen are probably trying to meet their quota for the month, so they may be willing to sell you a truck for a very cheap price, as long as it helps them get closer to meeting their quota.
However, if they have already met their quota for the month they will be less likely to negotiate and sell you a truck for a cheap price. (Source)
Now that you know when you should purchase a new truck, you are probably wondering when you should avoid purchasing a new truck!
When Should I Avoid Purchasing a Truck?

You should avoid purchasing a truck from January to April because any sales that are applied are not very significant, and the flaws in the new lineup of cars are still being determined.
Early in the year, the dealer stock of cars is new and car dealerships don’t have any high quotas that they have to meet at the end of the month like they do in November and December.
The current year’s cars are also still being tested when you purchase them in between January and April, which means that their exact safety ratings and reliability are not yet known.
Those are things that you definitely want to know before purchasing a truck. You won’t want to send back your truck due to a recall or manufacturing error.
The flaws in a truck come out when they are constantly being used, so from January to April the problems are still being determined by the drivers of the trucks.
Give truck manufacturers time to find and fix the kinks in their trucks before purchasing them.
Overall, avoid purchasing a new truck in:
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
Overall, the end of the year is a great time to purchase a new truck, but the beginning of the year is not a great time to purchase one. Keep that in mind when you start thinking about purchasing a new truck.