How Long Do Lexus LX Last?
When looking at luxury SUV’s, the Lexus LX is one of the best models out there. It’s a high priced vehicle for those who want the best of the best.
With that in mind, many consumers want to know how long the Lexus LX will last and if they will get a good return on their investment, so to speak.
Today, we’re looking at everything related to the Lexus LX including how long they last so that you can make a good purchasing decision.
How Long Do Lexus LX Last?
The Lexus LX is a very reliable vehicle. It can last longer than most others on the marketplace, up to 500,000 miles if taken care of well. Of course, there is no guarantee and you will need to take exceptional care of your LX to get it to that point, but with good maintenance, this is one of the longest-lasting vehicles on the marketplace.
If you are interested in a Lexus LX, you should get all the details on the care and learn even more about what to expect over the life of your vehicle in our breakdown:
The Lexus LX
The Lexus LX is almost physically intimidating when it comes to SUV’s. The front grille has an imposing nature to it and the whole SUV is built to physically impress.
The reason that the Lexus LX has such a long life is that it is built on the technology of the Toyota Land Cruiser. The Land Cruiser is famous for being a well-built vehicle that can keep moving for years and years.
Because the Lexus LX is built on the technology that built the Land Cruiser, the expectations for it are sky-high. That basis means that you have a vehicle that has a great level of luxury; however you also get some off-roading ability and you get an SUV that is also comfortable as well as quite large. All of these mix for one awesome vehicle.
When buying the Lexus LX, you should be aware that there are no trim levels and very few options that you can choose from. This is because Lexus considers its LX models to be a premium model.
They do not want a customer base that has to pick and choose between luxuries, they are aiming to be a vehicle that can survive any kind of wear and tear and has all of the amenities that anyone could ever want.
If you are purchasing a new LX from Lexus, you will have to decide if you want two rows of seating or three. Most people who are purchasing a vehicle of this size probably want it for the passenger space, so the three row option can be quite popular.
Regardless of which option you choose there, you are getting a vehicle that looks stunning on the inside. Consumers are always impressed when looking to the interior of the Lexus LX model.
If there was one thing to be disappointed by, some of the entertainment and information controls may be lagging a bit behind their competitors when it comes to the dashboard output in the front seats.
The Lexus LX model is a reliable vehicle due to the Land Cruiser technology that the vehicle uses. Even though it is a model that is fairly outdated when it comes to other luxury SUV’s, it still stands up because of the incredible quality of that Toyota Land Cruiser.
This is a huge plus for buyers who are looking for a reliable luxury SUV that will last them many years.
Land Cruisers, and therefore LX’s, are known for being able to tackle any environment. People drive Land Cruisers in some of the worst conditions in the world and because of that, it is well known that the Land Cruiser is a beast. Otherwise, people in those environments would not rely on the Land Cruiser.
When it comes to a vehicle readily available in the US, the LX is one of the most reliable models out there. If durability is one of your top buying concerns, it makes a ton of sense to look at the LX first before anything else.
Here are some of the other factors that make the LX really popular among buyers; even with so many able competitors in the marketplace.
The Drive
If anything, the LX may actually be looked upon higher when it is off-roading compared to when it is on the road.
The Land Cruiser base that we have mentioned really makes it capable when tackling a bunch of different environments. However, that base that makes it so talented when off-roading can kind of hinder it when trying to drive in everyday situations.
Because of its size, you can notice when the LX is turning that it is quite a tall vehicle. On top of that, the entire driving experience when driving on normal roads is a bit lackluster. The steering seems a bit heavy when driving at low speeds and a bit light when driving on the highway.
There are definitely other luxury SUV’s that simply have a better “feel” to them when driving, however it is quite possible that none of them can match the durability and longevity that the LX has.
It’s a trade-off to be sure, but the LX does sacrifice some performance for the amazing durability ratings that it has earned.
The comfort of riding in a Lexus LX can be a bit of a mixture. On the positive side of things, the LX is going to provide a maximum amount of comfort to passengers riding in the cabin.
Especially if you consider the drive and the front passenger, their seats are built to perfection and almost make it feel like you are sitting in an armchair when you are driving down the road. That’s extremely ideal on long road trips.

The LX also maintains a nice level of noise, even when driving at high speeds. The construction of the vehicle does a nice job to keep wind and other sounds out, although you will still hear some things at the highest speeds.
Where the LX loses some points is when it comes to the quality of its ride. If there are some noticeable bumps in the road, you are probably going to feel them.
The suspension is simply passable, it’s not the best and it’s not the worst by any means, but you would just like to see a bit more from a vehicle in the luxury SUV class.
Lexus definitely loses points when it comes to people looking for the newest technology in their vehicles. While riding in an LX can give you a huge sense of luxury, it may not be the case for younger drivers who expect a lot of technology at every turn. Notably, the new LX is still missing Apple Car Play and Android Auto which are found on a huge variety of vehicles these days.
It should also be noted that there are only a few USB ports and there are none found towards the back of the vehicle; which could be a huge problem for a big family who might be expecting to all be charging a device of some kind.
There are some tech bright spots such as the speaker system and the fact that you can Bluetooth in to the vehicle fairly easily, but compared to what the LX faces from its competitors, it’s tech rating isn’t great; but that’s simply because of the “no frills” durability you get when buying an LX.
The LX is pretty much a beast, offering over 50 cubic feet of storage. That’s a big number that is going to make it very easy to pack up and go on a long road trip.
Along with its considerable size comes a very high towing capacity of 7,000 pounds; which again should make a lot of owners very happy if they like to adventure.
There can be some issues when trying to fold the seats up as far as space management, but overall the LX does a great job when it comes to the sheer size and towing capability of the vehicle.
For those people who want to haul along a lot of equipment and maybe even a smaller trailer; the LX is an awesome choice for a durable vehicle that will be operating long into the future.
The Lexus LX can last a long time, even for decades and up to 500,000 miles if you take good care of your vehicle. There’s no guarantee that it will last that long; but you should be confident that you are buying a vehicle that will last you for years with proper maintenance.
Because of its Land Cruiser base; it can feel a bit primitive at times, however that is also what gives it its amazing longevity so you should consider it a trade-off. The LX does a ton of things right, and Lexus has a popular model for these reasons.